Friday 20 February 2009



aku ulangtauunnn....

yups, year 27...single...carreerless (i do have a job, but not a carreer)....tryin to get her master degree somewhere on the other part of the world. I see nothin much, this year's bday is rather flat :) the most important thing is that I thank God for giving me the opportunity to knit my life, thread by thread. My FB wall is filled by prayers and greetings from friends and families. Again, I thank God for having them as a part of my life..those who remember this day. Some of them are those I never thought would remember, or even have time to wrote greetings..yups...that's right friends, when you're far, you'll knew who your true friends are. In contrast, there are people I expect to greet, but I see nothing emails, no texts, no msgs,...nothing. But that's fine, I don't demand them to remember. If I am special to them, if they still remembers,..they'll greet (belated also counts ;p ). If not, it doesn't matter. Life's still good....

A sip of wine, and off to bed...happy birthday me.... :)


  1. aaaa...
    gw tertohok, gw kan yang ga inget ituu, huhuhu

  2. hahahhahah nggak kali giilll....bukan elo maksudnyaaaa....hahahhaha no offense yaa...
