Sunday 1 March 2009


hmm lagi2 tadi pulang kerja kecapean, lgs tidur abis selese mandi...jadi kebangun deh di pagi2 buta bgini...

sambil nungguin film Dexter loading, gue memperhatikan sekeliling kamar...menikmati kesunyian dan kesendirian. I must admit, I kinda enjoy this quality time with myself. I just realized that I've learned much from this all by yourself living thing. Managing household supplies is one of it. I noticed that I have one shelf just for these supplies. Tissues, tooth brushes, shampoos, body lotions, kitchen towels...etc. My mum taught me well on these stuffs. She planted all these lessons in me, how to record household needs, prepare everything before it ran out, and works. I did exactly like her.

Every week, I checked on my supplies. From kitchen (and fridge) personal needs. Then I calculate, is it urgently needed, or it could last for at least more than another week. If it does, I'll put it on the next week's list. My mum said, never ever go shopping when you're hungry and always have a list. There's a high possibility to be an impulsive buyer when you shop with empty stomach. Everything will look so tempting, and you just put it in your grocery basket. You'll be amazed when you're back home, after eating something, and realized how much you don't really need those things. I still did it sometimes though..hehhehehe.

Ouhhh...I just found the place to buy sawi putih! hihihihi I kinda miss that veggie. I like how it tastes. This week, my cooking skills improve. Awrite, it's because of the Indofood paste my best friend got me that helps. Using the paste alone and following the instructions staight away does not always equal with your expectations. But this thing got something to do with the hours spend. Hahahha as an old saying, practice makes perfect ;p and my best friend told me that sometimes cooking has its own tricks. I guess asking a friend who likes or knows how to cook is also considered as tricks. hahhah...For example, I was trying to cook ayam gulai with the indofood paste, but it turns out to be worse than I ever expected. too many water on cooking the chicken, and it tastes nothing close to ayam gulai. My friend then told me to add coconut milk, just a li'l bit of it. I improvise by boiling the chicken with bird eye chilly and and green onion. I'm impressed on myself..this time, it is ayam gulai. It tastes like it, it smells like it, and it looks like it!

Nothing standing on my way..including kitchenary....hahahhahaha!! Nail it!!

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