Tuesday 3 February 2009

Being a Grad Student (Dec 1, '08 7:05 PM)

What comes in your mind when you think about grad student abroad?...
Here's the truth in my case...remember that I told you this is what happens in me and I have no intention to generalize it.

At first, I was very excited about pursuing my degree. I thought it will be fun till the end and extremely different with my bachelor degree. Of course I'm still excited, but the fact is, the programme usually took two years, but here...you can do it in a year. You can, but it's not easy. To be honest, I'm still struggling to adjust here. The pressure of being chased by deadline is quite high. Pushing myself up to the very limit. Coffe cups, text books, newspapers, not to mention plenty of journals to read and keeping your eye to the worlwide issues..it's my everyday life here. 8 hours sleep became very rare. Weekends? Part time job indeed :)

The thought of travelling from town to town, visiting friends and relatives is about to be postponed for a while. I choose to pay more attantion on my studies, because to fail is one thing I really avoid. Once my friend told me "there will be the time..." and I guess she's right, one day I'll have all the time I need to travel. For now, I have to prioritise on my needs, be consistent, and may all goes as smooth as I always want it to be.

No matter where you are, studying or pursuing a degree -whatever the degree- is always the same thing. Hard work, pressure, and deadlines. It is nice, it is exciting, but that's not what it's all about. I hope next term will be better, and my first exams will be fine. At least I could have more self esteem dealing with the rest of the course...

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