Sunday 22 March 2009

cerita ayam.

I was having my lundch (lunch+dinner) yesterday on the staff room when the new girl asked me what am I having for lundch. I said Chickens and chips. I eat two pieces of chikens here, one seems not enough...hehehehhe. Then she suddenly eat my chips, and dip it on my dip. I don't mean to be rude but hey girl, you gotta learn how to behave, seems like you've lost your manner! then I eat what I have while she's talking and asking me about this and that thing she didn't know yet. She had twister for her lundch. I'm still enjoying every part of the chicken ribs. bone..I think it's the way I eat that sometimes makes people thinks its delicious. Suddenly, she looked at me and asked "do you have another chicken? I want a chicken but I can't go back there again to take another meal". It was weird..Surely nodded and gave her my other chicken...but My God!!!!! what am I, a chicken bank? you should've thought about what you're going to have for your break instead of asking someone to give what they had!! Actually, it's not the missing piece of chicken that matters, it's just her manner. She really lost it somewhere!

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