Monday 9 March 2009

Can I refund these, please?..

I just bought myself four cardigans with different colours and a jacket last weekend. Size 8 usally fits me well, so I didn't bother myself to try it on in the fitting room. Then I happily went back home and daydreaming whic one goes perfectly with which shirt,.button it all or not,'s almost spring anyway, it wouldn't be this cold right??..there I am walking down the road...hapy as can be.

Impatiently me, right after entering the flat door, I tried in on not even one fits me!! I'm amazed! Am I really that fat? I can't believe this...I have to exercise! I have to run, stretch, anything to burn down my fats..for the first time,...I have to refund my purchases. Damn!!

But it's quite lucky hee since they do protect their consumers alot. Items puchased can be refunded within 28 days. Not like in Jakarta, where every store have this *items purchased can not be returned* hell yeah, they don't wanna care the second your transaction is completed. You have to take it home, like it or not, right or wrong..the store doesn't give a damn. For the first time, I'm planning to go back to the store to change the size of my cardies. Since I'll be working on Saturday and Sunday, teh only option would be Monday.

My eyes looking straight to the bunch of cardigans to find the right size. This time, I will try it on first! One, two, three....oh no! the green one's no longer available. What should I do what should I doo?!?!?!....humph. I gues I'll just put these -exactly the same cardi w/ bigger size- in my bag, and take a short tour around the dept store to think..also to check on other stuffs. Shirts and jakckets....nothing's interesting...good....coats are still expensive and not really needed...I'll have to pass.....Tights? I couldn't find what I want...pass again...better go shoes department. Flat shoes, interesting...but I don't have the budget anyway...oooohh!!! lok at this! a ballet slippers, with split soles, foldable, and came with a small bag..I gotta have this! but not now..Sandals are cute, they're releasing the sandals with bright spring cuteee!!! It'll looks good on spring. Look at these gladiator slippers! its comfortable, thin, it bends well....and it costs me two cardigans! Hmm....put it in the bag first before someone else do it...

And there it is....customer service. The place where I should claim to change my purchased items. Think fast ay, think fast!! Okaiy, so I just exchange two cardis, and the other two is refunded, and traded into sandals! Done!...nice bargain.... Once again I'm happy...happy as can be!!...Thankfully, the counter lady was so nice for assisting me until I finally had what I want...hihihihihi

newly traded items