Sunday 31 May 2009

wish list.

I often find myself being today.
instead of studying for my exam on Tuesday, I browse...and browse...and browse...
when I look at "The Royal Opera House" website...hmmm I remember that there are plenty of thing I want to do in my life...probably before I reache dthe age of 30...heheheh...
Before I lost count (which I believe I do...); I'd better share it first ;p

1. Around the world
heheh who doesn't want this? this has a long way to go...

2. Watch ballet performance in the Royal Opera House
I was studying ballet with RAD (Royal Academy of Dancing) based; I'd love to see those who studied it here perform in front of me; in their nest!! Where all the magical movement begins..Balanchine, Swan Lake, Romeo&Juliet...I have to see those!!!

3. Madamme Tussaud-London
They said this one is the biggest and the newest. Yes, I haven't got the chance, but I wil...I already make path with my best friend who'll be here this August. I'm so excited!! yeiiy!!!

4. Bull Fight - Madrid day I will see you battling the moves, love the crowd..Applause is the best thing on stage, isn't it?...

5. Walking down Indonesia's untouched beaches...
You might not realize how Indoneia has plenty of virgin beaches..I'm dying to explore them!! I still think we should have had the best manine biologist academy or faculty since we do have plenty of sites to studied with..

to be continued...I have to study!..hihihih

1 comment:

  1. I'm on it, i'm on it, i'm on it! Since your things are traveling.. I'm so on it!! Hihihihi...
