Sunday 7 June 2009

the law relative to justice.

gue suka banget nonton film yang berbau sekolahan, kedokteran, dan pengadilan. today's highlight is on the cerita2 berbau pengadilan. Apa yang gue bilang disini sbenernya ga murni perkara pengadilan, tapi mungkin banget kejadian d bidang2 lain, yang gue yakin, di setiap wilayah jurisdiksi pasti ada. Of course kalo ngomongin kbutuhan hidup, dan income, sebagai manusia, ga bakal ada puasnya. The sky is the limit. Dasar gue, kalo nonton film, suka jadi kebawa2 sendiri...hahahha. Ini gara2 Raising the Bar!!

Jadi, yang gue sebel tuh, basically masalah attitude towards humanity and justice. Kan buat jadi pengacara, hakim, dll itu, kalian pada blajar capek2. Lulusnya juga ga segampang itu, pake liat junto, blom lagi kalo common law, yang berdasarkan pengalaman2 di masa lalu. Keringet yang dicucurin buat mengupas habis KUHP dan KUHAP nggak segelintir. Blom lagi tentang perdagangan...itu kan njelimet banget. And you've worked your ass to do so. Kalo ampe ngebela yang nggak bener, as in dia tau kliennya butut tapi tetep di bela, gue nggak ngehargain dia bukan karena dia butuh supaya dapur tetep ngebul, tapi gue nggak ngehargain dia karena buat gue itu merupakan penghinaan terhadap akademia. Which is, nggak ngehargain kerja keras yang dilakuin sendiri itu. Yaah gimana orang mau ngehargain lo kalo lo sendiri nggak ngehargain diri sendiri.

Sudut pandang gue boleh dibilang naive banget. Gue nggak mempertimbangkan variabel2 lain seperti kebutuhan hidup, tekanan, dll. But let's look at it this way. Wouldn't it against your heart to do such thing? Leaving the innocent man behind bars while you've unlocked the trouble maker? Is this what you've studied all those years, that justice eventually came after money? What a shame. What a shame. How the hell you could ever live your life doing something wrong? How could you look the innocent's you have the guts to do that? Sorry to say, but you gotta be living a very pathetic life. What would you do if you're on their place? Or if it is your son? Would you stil be doing that practice?...You guys are devil on earth...

Emang kadang idealisme dan hati nurani bertentangan sama realita. Although the world is not black and white, and some of us may have to live on the grey area, my highest respect for those who are willing to take the extra efforts, extra phone calls, extra over keep justice above money. A few good men who have the heart to defend the rights of the innocent, human rights...and I believe in that...


  1. pasti dulu loe doyan nonton judge judy yah? hahaha...

  2. itu, gara2 nonton raising the hakimnya jahat gituuuu terus gue jadi sebel sendiri...huhuhuh
