Sunday 11 July 2010

angels vibe.

hatiku senaaaaannggggg!!!

I really believe that I have so many angels without wings around me. It is like they were sent from heaven to plum my mood -plum was the term used by Pandji Pragiwaksono to make you feel better when you're feeling blue. If it's blue, put pink...plum it!.

Few days ago, I was fighting one of the lousiest Friday traffic+rainy day to went to the Isra' Mi'raj celebration. My best friend was sick, and I had to go alone. But somehow I really wanted to go there. I met some friends, those that I haven't seen for a while :) Suddenly my friend said that she bought me a book :) I really want that book but couldn't find it anywhere!! PRICELESS!!

And today, as I arrived in my friend's house, one of them said that she has something for me. And she brought me something that I have always wanted!! Hihihihih I am so excited, may God bless you dear :))

I do feel that I need them. I need to go to those gathering, because I want to, because I'd love to. Even more when I don't feel good bout myself, physically or emotionally. Being around wonderful people can make me feel better, their aura spreads to mine. Believe it or not, it hapens in me.

thanks you much..

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