Friday 24 July 2009

unexpected (yet always long for) visit

I can't believe in a moment my best friend will be coming here to see me. I missed her so so much. She may not be the one who always on your side, but she kept my feet on the ground everytime. Another perspective that I need in my life. I am a dreamer, sometimes she 'poof' my dream and led me back to the reality, get back on my feet, and work out on making the dream come true. She's one of a kind.

I can not recall how many times we found ourself in coffee cups. Alhough she doesn't smoke, she managed to stay with me..hehehehe thanks dear. I can't wait to have her here, I even asked my supervisor's permission for having a week off just to meet her and take her around town. I knew how English weather can be devastating...with few sunlight and plenty of rains..but hell I want her to experience every single details here. The shitty weather, the old fashioned yet modern living, and many other things.

I must say, I can't wait for another two weeks...but first, I have to keep up with my dissertation deadline. I need that badly... :)

my dear, pack your bags, get your a** on the plane, andbe here soon!!!! me miss you!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. AM COMINGGGGG !!!!!!!!!! Aku terharu sangatttt membaca tulisan yang ini hik hik hik...
