Thursday 30 July 2009

balik deui iyeuh mah...

setelah gue berusaha membuat lagu2 di blogspot ini, gue tertarik ama sebuah lagu yang walaupun ini tembang udah jadul berat, namun sangat tepat sasaran menggambarkan peristiwa yang acap kali terjadi di dalam hidup gue...ediaaaannn....

nih lyric-nya gue post di bawah...emng bener kok, tiap2 si kamfret itu's all coming back to me..still struggling kok gue..hopefully I'll be as good as new by January...

Its All Coming Back To Me Now

there were nights when the wind was so cold,
that my body froze in bed if i just listened to it right outside the window...

there were days when the sun was so cruel,
that all my tears turned to dust and i just knew my eyes were drying up forever...

i finished crying in the instant that you left,
and i cant remember where or when or how,
and i banished every memory you and i had ever made...

but when you touch me like this
touch me like this
and you hold me like that
hold me like that
its so hard to believe but its all coming back to me now
its all coming back, its all coming back to me now
there were moments of gold and there were flashes of light,
there nights of endless pleasure, it was more than any laws allowed

maybe baby
if i kiss you like this
kiss you like this
and if you whisper like that
whisper like that
it was lost long ago but its all coming back to me
if you want me like this
if you want me like this
and if you need me like that
if you need me like that
it was dead long ago but its all coming back to me
its so hard to resist and its all coming back to me
i can barely recall but its all coming back to me now

but you were history with the slamming of the door
and i made myself so strong again some how...
and i never wasted any of my time on you since then...

but if i touch you like this
touch you like this
and if you kiss me like that
kiss me like that
it was gone like the wind but its all coming back to me now
its all coming back, its all coming back to me now
there were moments of gold and there were flashes of light
there were nights of endless pleasure, it was more than all your laws allowed
maybe baby baby
when you touch me like this
when you touch me like this
and when you hold me like that
hold me like that
it was gone like the wind but its all coming back to me
when you see me like this
see you like this
when i see you like that
see me like that
then we see what we want to see
all coming back to me
the flash and the fantasies all coming back to me
i can barely recall but its all coming back to me now

if you forgive me all this
forgive me all this
and if i forgive you all that
forgive you all that
we forgive and forget and its all coming back to me now
all coming back to me now
we forgive and forget and its all coming back to me now...

ancuuurrr gue bangeeeeettt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*garuk2 meja*

Sunday 26 July 2009

sunday morning..

its raining, no wonder tidur gue enak buanget...

okaiy, waktunya kerja :) siap2 dulu yak...

distance learning

eh eh..masa' dong gue kmaren gara2 minta mentahan adobe dan nanya2 lensa gitu ama Oky *anak Indo disini yang mo ambil undergrad dan doyan fotografi* dia ngajarin gue motret manual mode..lewat YM call aja gituuu!!!....gile ye, kecanggihan teknologi emanggg....canggih!!!!!! hehehehhehe ternyata make manual mode ga seribet yang gue pikir :D jadi senang...

kocaknya, kamera gue ama dia beda :p tapi dia berhasil loh ngajarin gue..dan dia kesel, soalnya gue bisa pake smua lensa canon, sementara dia kepatok di jenis2 lensa tertentu....hahaha I suppose lucky me. Dan setelah gue ngebandingin harga gitu, ternyata harga lensa di jakarta lebi murah. 50mm ajah di jakarta dapet 800-an, smentara kalo gue browse online, bisa ampe 2 juta-an gitu...hiksssss jauh syekali ya bedanya....jadi pengen pulang... *loh, kok jumping conclusion?!?!*

sekarang tinggal nunggu waktu buat keluar & coba2..... :D :D

Saturday 25 July 2009

weits...bisa nyanyi2 niy sekarang....

hahah gara2 iseng gue ngoprek2in blog-nya well...errrr kponakan sih...tapi gue ga segitu jauh loh bedanya!!! (defense) yang ternyata seru juga ;p terus gue sirik gara2 di blog-nya dia ada lagunya...hahahhaahha...gue koprak koprek ampe ni disertasi yang tadinya mo gue beresin GAGAL berubah dari bentuk asli dan sukses dikacangin bgitu aja..

nahhh tadinya tu gue ga pake si ninja inih...gue pake bentuk kaset..udah cakep2 pake ada ornamen2nya, dan apa yang terjadi sodara2?!?!?!? kegedean aja gituuuhhhh!!! jadi cuman muncul stengah kaset dan kliatan banget kalo maksa..ugh, jadi jelek deh...dan akhirnya gue ganti aja skin-nya..dengan yang lebih ramping...tinggi boleh, tapi ga boleh gendut...dan akhirnya gue nemuin si ninja imut ini...

Setelah gue liat2 yah, si ninja yang mejeng di samping ini, kok mirip Oci ya?...tau kan, temen gue yang gampang disulut, kalo ngomel2 udah kayak kartun jepang gitu...hahahhahaha Gilda bisa cekikikan nih, saking cinta-nya gue ama Oci, ampe di blog gue terpampang mahluk yang mirip Oci...wakakakakak...

dah ah, ,mo tidur dulu, besok kerja lagi, naik kreta pagi ;p
selamat mendengarkan yaaakk!!!!

Friday 24 July 2009

english weather is a total crap.

our picnic agenda today is 89% cancelled due to ENGLISH WEATHER..
rainy till 4pm .. then the sun begin to shine...slowly...
with a li'l bit gloomy sky...


unexpected (yet always long for) visit

I can't believe in a moment my best friend will be coming here to see me. I missed her so so much. She may not be the one who always on your side, but she kept my feet on the ground everytime. Another perspective that I need in my life. I am a dreamer, sometimes she 'poof' my dream and led me back to the reality, get back on my feet, and work out on making the dream come true. She's one of a kind.

I can not recall how many times we found ourself in coffee cups. Alhough she doesn't smoke, she managed to stay with me..hehehehe thanks dear. I can't wait to have her here, I even asked my supervisor's permission for having a week off just to meet her and take her around town. I knew how English weather can be devastating...with few sunlight and plenty of rains..but hell I want her to experience every single details here. The shitty weather, the old fashioned yet modern living, and many other things.

I must say, I can't wait for another two weeks...but first, I have to keep up with my dissertation deadline. I need that badly... :)

my dear, pack your bags, get your a** on the plane, andbe here soon!!!! me miss you!!!!!

Thursday 16 July 2009

the catwalk called life.

pas waktu itu lagi suntuk, gue jalan ke luar rumah. It's good to be out loh ternyata, despite cuaca disini yang ga menentu ituh...kayaknya waktu itu udah lama gue nggak keluar, jadi gue berasa energized buat ke luar rumah. Refreshing...

Lagi jalan kaki nungguin lampu merah, gue mendadak inget ke masa lalu, yang ga lalu2 amat itu..tentang perjalanan gue kesini. Perjalanan yang sesungguhnya adalah untuk menemukan jati diri gue yang ilang, sekaligus meramu perkiraan masa depan gue. It took me quite a while to realize that I've grown in so many ways during this year. Singkat kata, gue merasa mulai menemukan jati diri gue. Those missing puzzles were finally found. And yet, some I'm missing some other pieces, that was already there...

Gue dulu pergi karna dengan terpaksa gue harus mengubur sebuah mimpi, sambil mewujudkan mimpi yang lain. You lose some, you gain some. Ini seperti kalo lo blajar statistik, atau operation research, namanya Game Theory. Maximum gain, in minimum condition. Di sini gue seperti ngebuka lembaran baru. Start all over again, even ampe lifestyle. Gue nggak lagi urakan kayak dulu yang begajulan. Disini gue ngerasa lebih punya kendali ama hidup gue. And to be honest, I like it. I do miss some things, but that's alright.

Sepertinya semua perilaku orang yang sempet membuat gue kecewa taun lalu itu, sedikit2 tapi pasti mulai bisa di tolerir. I'm not saying that they're right, till the universe fall apart, they remain with intolerable mistakes. Thus, sometimes the best thing is to just let it go. After all, the best part is when I kinda found my way to forgive myself; the most essential part of self healing. I suppose I'm lucky enough to be able to detox myself here. Somewhere new, remote, and unreachable.

I spent more 'me time' here than I was in Jakarta. I like that 'me time', you know...reflecting on yourself, do whatever you want to do, relax, chill, read some books..quality time with myself. The intense 'me time' is also one among other things that made my self healing went well.

Theres this old saying "time heals, you just have to give time...a time" and it did happen in me. I gave time a reconcile with the it works, God does make the impossible became possible, in a wonderful way...And by the time I'm back to hometown, I will be able to have my chin up and walk gracefuly in the catwalk

let go all the burdens..and fly as high as you can..

Wednesday 1 July 2009

perempuan pendamping

Bayangin tiga pasangan ini:
1. Barrack and Michelle Obama
2. Bill and Hillary Clinton
3. Pak Harto and Ibu Tien
4. SBY and Bu Ani
5. Wiranto dan Isteri

liat nggak bedanya dimana?...

Okeiy, ini sebenernya hanya sedikit pemikiran gue yang timbul lagi2 setelah nonton Kick Andy edisi JK-WIN. Tapi kali ini gue ga akan bahas JK-WIN, melainkan nyonyah2nya. Menurut gue ya, kok politisi kita yang laki2, ga ada yang istrinya setara skill atau edukasi-nya. Kalo temen gue si Ida bilang, ibarat persamaan matematika, cewek-nya ga boleh 'lebih besar sama dengan'. Maksudnya, posisi isteri secara apapun harus di bawah si bapak pejabat. Ini keliatan banget pada saat mereka ikutan naik panggung menjawab pertanyaan. Ga kliatan jawaban ringan lugas tapi berbobot seperti caranya Sri Mulyani atau Siti Fadillah menjawab pertanyaan. Rata2 cuman mesam mesem ga berani ngomong banyak. Jangan2 sih emang disuruh gaboleh banyak omong ama suaminya heheheh.. Anyway, keliatan banget kalo mereka ga se pede suaminya dalam berbicara. To be honest, they look dumb. Kayak hiasan doang, biar si bapak keliatan lengkap.

Ngomongin imej, kalo nggak salah ada agensi yang memang bertugas untuk ngebangun imej si politisi2 bukan? Yang gue pertanyakan, emang imej isteri-nya itu nggak masuk itungan ya? Kalo ntar jadi first lady sih pasti lah ya, tapi kalo lagi kampanye2 gini, apa nggak masuk itungan? Gue ga ngerti apakah ini masalah budaya kita yang selalu ingin laki2 nomer satu, sehingga mereka ingin nampak dominan? Asumsikan kalo kondisi budaya masih memperlihatkan dominasi pria. Tapi ya isteri-nya ya jangan ampe keliatan timpang banget dong bok. Jangan cuman dibalutin baju bagus tapi otaknya dong dong dong *ketok2 kepala 3 kali*... Lagian, emang tu isteri2nya ga pada ngerasa butuh buat nambah ilmu apa yak seiring dengan naiknya jabatan sang suami? Apa masih pada bergelut ama Dharmawanita dan arisan aja?...

Gue mengidamkan banget loh pasangan politisi yang pasangannya bisa kayak Michelle Obama atau Hillary Clinton yang bisa ngimbangin performa suaminya di kancah politik. Mereka cantik, mereka well educated, bahkan mereka pernah punya posisi di atas suaminya. Bahkan Hillary bisa berduet di karir politik sama suaminya. Pada saat mereka diwawancara, mereka bisa memberi value added terhadap performa suaminya. Seneng ga sih lo kalo liat politisi laki2 yang cerdas, terus pas lo liat isteri-nya di wawancara (pasti lah ya kecipratan walau ga seheboh suaminya), ternyata tu isteri keliatan cerdas..mantep banget kan. Secara otomatis lo makin yakin kalo ni orang berkualitas. Ga sekedar nampang biar dapet jabatan. Ibu2 pejabat itu kayaknya harus diperhatikan deh, biar ga bikin malu suaminya.

Kalo pada saat pemilihan Barrack Obama-Hillary Clinton kmaren masyarakatnya bingung karna dua2nya punya keunggulan kompetitif masing2; nah kalo kita, kayaknya ujung2nya milih kandidat yang nilai mines-nya paling dikit...

If only we have a damn smart first lady...that would be a brilliant period ;p