Tuesday 9 June 2009

how I want to educate my children

I've read about how Jew's are born smart in local newspaper. I think most of it are correct and make sense. Therefore, I would like to sum up the activities I should be having since I'm carrying the baby...untill he/she is born...Basically, the activities that mothers did is to stimulate the baby's brain to max their growth. I believe it does works, because when my mum carrying my brother, she likes puzzles, cubes, and crosswords. What happens is, my brother is the smart one in the family. However, when she's carrying me, she loves shopping, and fashion. And guess what?!?!?!? it's me!!!...huhuhuhuhu..make sense...

If Ucil finds out about this writing, I'm sure she'll pissed off and call me freaky planed girl...hahahahahah!!!!!! can't help it Cil...can't help it!!! you know me....

On pregnancy
1. Eat fruits and veggie first, than karb+protein
2. Eat fish! a lot of fish! (yesss more reason to eat sushiiii!!!!!!)
3. Never combine red meat with fish...
4. Study maths! (hmm...sudoku?....cards?...hehehhe its math, right?...)
5. Listen to classical musics...

Raising the child
1. MUST! learn how to play piano....its a must!!
2. MUST excel in sports...preferably archery or shooting (I am a Godmother!); it is said that this sports are aiming at the ability to fokus on things.
3. Photography..they have to love taking pictures..heheheh this is for me to learn what he/she is thinking....they might not be able to describe it in words, but pictures can tell more than thousands of words..
4. Make sure they're doing what they like...(except for musical instrument and sports..yes, I will be a very freakin pushy mother about this..); I want them to live life with all their heart...

there! done! what do you say? quite make sense right?...C'mon, let's follow their steps...its not a bad thing to do, its for our own good... :)


  1. Wheww... Ay, you shouldn't be eating sushi while your pregnancy because they use raw fish. So, it won't be good for the baby :)

  2. kalo yang fusion gitu kan banyak yang mateng2..hehehehehhe....masih memungkinkan dunks...kalo nggak, yang vegetarian deeeh.. (desperately craving for sushi banget ga sih gue..)

  3. gw pernah baca nih kaskus. duh, tar kalo hamil baru buka blog lu yang ini deh, heheh :p
