Sunday 25 December 2011


As far as I'm concerned, being a mother is everything but easy. You got to make your house tidy, provide a proper education to your kids, apart from being a wife (speaking of a complete family). Anyway, I saw lots of examples that I dislike from nowadays mother(s).

Communication technology made it easy for people to connect. Blackberries, androids, many more. Frankly, I hate it when mother choose their devices over their kids. I just saw a li'l boy who's excitedly shared his happiness of having a new toy, eagerly explaining to his mother, yet his mother responded with a flat face. Other times, a mother giving him a milk on her right hand, and playing with her device on her left hand. Only once in a while she took a glance to her son. To make it worse, she use the internet facility to browse over the 'fun' things that interest her, instead of gaining her knowledge over parenting and other things. Gosh, why would you do that? What was the boy's fault that he doesn't get full attention from his mother?

I believe being a mother requires you to be active. In some matters, you will depend on your husband, but to provide an early education, and also to be the domestic goddes, that is a mother's responsibility.

I promised myself that once I am being a mother, it'll all about my kids. I had enough fun, I will provide my kids with the best, not the most expensive, but the best. Excuse me, but those International school with field trip to Singapore doesn't interest me at all. I want my kids to love their home country, to understand the richness of their home country before admiring other countries. I want them to know 'Bawang merah bawang putih', 'si kancil', 'jaka tarub', and local legends before 'cinderella', 'beauty and the beast', 'lion king', 'rapunzel', and such. Field trip to Jogja, Pangandaran, Pulau Seribu, is waaay much better than stamps on their passports.

There you go, my framework of being a mother, if maybe one day it'll came true.

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