Sunday 25 December 2011

drop dead diva.

I just finished watching 'drop dead diva' and found some similarities.

In the end, she (Jane/Deb) was disappointed by his 'husband' who kissed her best friend. They didn't mean it, but it hurts her like hell that she decided to chase her dream and made it come true. Right when she confidently doing it alone, her current boyfriend - who's supposed to leave to New Zealand, postponed his plan and join her on the plane to Italy. While on the ground, Grayson tried to chase her but he was too late. Too late.

You see, sometimes you were standing on a point where you believe the whole world turns against you. Everything you stood for was fallen apart, and you need some space, as well as time to think it through. To heal your wounds, and then to make a come back. I've been there.

I left Jakarta when everything falls apart. I made a fresh start and think it through. What will I do, who should I trust, where am I going for my future, and many more things. Today, I am grateful to made it to UK. And most of all, I am grateful to be able to see this one person who stays while I tried to leave, while I tried to let go. I wasn't expecting that person to be him, not because I don't want him, but because deep down I don't see myself good enough for him. It turns out that the one I was expecting, didn't made any blunt move to convince me. So let him go. Hard at first, but it was the right thing to do. And the one who stayed... he turns out to believe I am good enough for him.

Today, we're still together, no one knows what will happen in the future, but we decided to take things slow. It might works, it might not. But this time, we're doing it right.

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