Tuesday 1 March 2011

something always...

brings me back to you..
-gravity: Sarah Bareilles-

and when I have the idea to close chapter you, you did it again. you asked me to visit you in Bandung. Oh my, what is it with Bandung? I am always related to that city.

The thing about you asking me to come and visit was never been expected. It is good to know that you're trying to let me in, in your mysterious life. however, as usual, our classic issue always on the way. we never could get our schedule synchronized. I don't know what to do about it. I can't control it. I tried to reach you but you're drifting away. we're both busy, and distance apart. Impossible to meet up without any plans. Please bear with me and work things out. We'll see how it goes, and we'll figure out what to do next. I'm overwhelmed with the invitation but I'm keeping my feet on the ground.

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