Wednesday 2 September 2009


Beberapa waktu lalu, hubungan kembali terjalin kembali antara gue dan si kampret itu. Cerita punya cerita, ternyata dia udah bubaran ama ceweknya, which means, gajadi kawin. Kalo ngeliat gelagatnya, dia pengen balik ama gue. Sepertinya kalo perasaan gue masih sama, pastinya gue akan menyambut. Yang aneh adalah, setelah gue tau dia putus, daya tariknya jadi hilang. Well, probably because I can proof that I finally win. But at some reason, I don't see the future in our relationshit. Sepertinya gue keras menentang rencana Tuhan kalo bilang ga mungkin, so let me put it this way. Gue ngebuka kesempatan buat siapa pun yang punya niat baik buat mengenal gue lebih jauh. But especially for him, I believe there are too many chances I have given that he just let it slipped away. Too many that I lost count. Too many that I had zero inventory. This time, he has to earned it. He has to fix it. And if he doesn't, I'm not the one who lost.

Wait....on a second thought, this feeling is probably not love, melainkan keinginan untuk memiliki. Kebutuhan untuk mengkonfirmasi kalo dia emang masih berada di bawah bayang2 gue. Dan setelah itu terkonfirmasi, I don't see the point of hangging around anymore. Gue gak lagi ngerasa kehilangan atas ketidak hadirannya di dalam kehidupan gue, juga nggak punya keinginan buat menghubungi atau cari tau keadaannya. Gue bener2 cuek, ampe bebek aja kalah cuek. Keributan ringan yang berujung dengan dia ngapus PIN bbm gue juga ga gue tanggepin dengan sakit hati atau berlarut2. Gue malah cuman ketawa ketiwi cengengesan tanpa berniat buat memperbaiki keributan itu.

Hell yeah, I'm not going to be the one who fixed it. He has to manage himself. Earn his respect by pushing himself to the very limit. I have no room for a lazy man who always wants things to be done instantly. Realizing that my expectations towards him (or any other man who wants to be around) is quite high, it means I expect him to change drastically. It also means that...I don't take him the way he is now...or in a bit sarcastic words, I sahll say that he's not the one that I want...

Oh dear, I do have a wicked bitch side after all...

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