Wednesday, 30 March 2011

beyond a smile.

aku kehabisan kata
aku kehilangan muka
aku duduk terdiam
sunyi sepi sendiri

Engkau ingat kan saat aku tulis surat itu?
saat aku memohon kepada-Mu
dua buah hal dalam hidupku

belum menginjak tengah tahun,
baru di kwartal pertama,
Engkau kabulkan kontan keinginanku,
tanpa basa basi

sungguh aku bahagia,
tapi izinkan aku turut terdiam
izinkan itu menjadi rahasia kita
untuk beberapa saat..

disela kebahagiaan yang Engkau limpahkan,
tersisa duka atas kesedihan para sahabat,
belitan masalah yang cukup berat,
meninggalkan keputusan akhir yang memilukan

maafkan aku dan kelemahanku,
badanku lunglai mendengar kisah mereka
satu demi satu.. hari demi hari
hatiku seperti disayat dan ditoreh
ternyata banyak yang jahat, Tuhan...

tolong aku dengan membahagiakan mereka,
aku dan segala keterbatasanku,
tidak sampai hati aku melihat mereka bersedih,
tolong kembalikan senyuman ceria mereka,
yang senantiasa menemaniku,
mewarnai hari2ku...

kuingat janji-Mu bahwa setelah sulit,
akan Engkau beri kebahagiaan berlipat2.
Jadikan mereka pribadi yang kuat ya Tuhan,
semoga hadirku dapat meringankan beban mereka

Terimakasih ya Tuhan,
atas waktu-Mu mendengarkan aku;
hanya kepada Engkau aku memohon,
dan kukembalikan segala urusan pada kuasa-Mu

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

torn apart.

Just when I had my own happiness....

* a good friend of mine cancelled his wedding, only a month before d-day.. cause of cancellation? money, social status, wealth.. a reason that is too low for an educated girl like her.. how words could disguise attitude, yet finally the truth revealed..

* a good friend of mine got tired with her boyfriend whatsoever.. she's tired of being the one who nurture him, and nothing in return..

* a good friend in my previous office had her wedding last Saturday, and I wasn't invited.. later I found out that none of the youngsters were invited... still, I'm surprised..

I really hope everything went well with my journey...

ever yours, ever mine, ever ours...

Tuesday, 22 March 2011


it's been two weeks but we missed each other badly almost everyday since week 2... how are we suppose to survive for the next 50 weeks?..

Sunday, 13 March 2011


Thanks for your trust in me. It'll be a journey we'll never forget. There will be less 'you' , and less 'me', but there will be a lot of 'we'. May God bless our relationship.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

something always...

brings me back to you..
-gravity: Sarah Bareilles-

and when I have the idea to close chapter you, you did it again. you asked me to visit you in Bandung. Oh my, what is it with Bandung? I am always related to that city.

The thing about you asking me to come and visit was never been expected. It is good to know that you're trying to let me in, in your mysterious life. however, as usual, our classic issue always on the way. we never could get our schedule synchronized. I don't know what to do about it. I can't control it. I tried to reach you but you're drifting away. we're both busy, and distance apart. Impossible to meet up without any plans. Please bear with me and work things out. We'll see how it goes, and we'll figure out what to do next. I'm overwhelmed with the invitation but I'm keeping my feet on the ground.