sahabat gue ga berapa lama ini nulis di multiply-nya tentang trust (kepercayaan). Lucunya, abis baca ini, gue jadi kayak flashback gitu tentang beberapa hal dimana gue mendapatkan dan kehilangan kepercayaan.
(ngelamun sambil flashback dulu)...............
Buat gue, sahabat adalah sodara. Yaaa namanya juga sahabat, semakin lama pasti akan berasa seperti kaka, adik, sodara. Semua ga berenti sebatas sahabat aja. Ga buat cewek, ga buat cowok. Sahabat2 gue udah gue anggep jadi bagian dari diri gue. Gimana enggak, sedihnya gue...mereka yang berhasil bikin gue balik seneng. Senengnya gue...kita berbagi. Jatuh-nya gue...mereka yang membuat gue kuat buat berdiri dan jalan...bahkan melesat secepat kilat seperti busur panah...halahhh...hiperbol, hahahha anyway, you got the point kan. Sayangnya salah satu dari mereka yang gue anggep nggak bakal mungkin menikam, malah menikam dari belakang. Gue bener2 kecewa. Kehidupan pribadi gue dikoyak2. Padahal, dia butuh apa, gue bela2in bantu. Secara dia di Jakarta merantau, gue bebasin nyinggah di rumah kapanpun, ampe gue bikinin dobelan kunci rumah. Bahkan, kalo bisa dibilang, I even share my parents, coz I knew it's not easy being far from your parents. So I shared mine. My mum treated her as if she's her own daughter. Gatau apa yang terjadi sama dia, dia mengobrak abrik semuanya. Sampe kehidupan pribadi gue. Disinilah gue kehilangan kepercayaan gue ke dia. Walaupun akhirnya dia mengakui semuanya pastinya dia tengsin abis kegep pengakuan dosa, apapun yang dia bilang, buat gue cuman manis di bibir aja. Terserah lo mau bilang apaan, gue emang gabisa maafin dia begitu aja, dan mulai dengan clean slate kalo dia ga ada usahanya juga. Gabisa, pokoknya gabisa! Titik. Forgiven, but not forgotten. Bukan perkara dendam atau nggak. Ini bentuk proteksi diri gue atas pengalaman buruk. Sebelum gue mulai dengan clean slate which is kemungkinannya kecil, tapi bukan berarti ga mungkin; gue harus yakin kalo kejadian2 yang ga terduga macem begini ga akan keulang lagi. She has to learn her lesson(s). I'd prefer it in a hard way, like....for the rest of her life??....hehehehheehe I don't know how far I would go though...and don't care anyway...
Nah, nyambung nih....salah satu keidupan pribadi gue yang diobrak abrik itu adalah hubungan gue sama sesorang. Anyway, singkat cerita, karna hubungan gue ama ni orang juga pada saat itu menjadi tajam setajam silet , bubar jalan lah hubungan gue. Kalo dari orang2 yang di lingkungannya dia bilang sih, dia promosi ke orang2 kalo gue yang ter ter buat dial like it matters now? d'oooghhhhh!!!! yaa itu kan di mulut. The truth is, ngapain ngumbar2 ke orang2 tentang perasaan lo ke si X kalo lo aja nggak punya nyali buat nunjukin ke si X sejujurnya. Sering banget segala omongan manis itu gue tantang buat jadi realita. Hasilnya 98% nol besar. Hari ini ngomong A, besok ngomong B, lusa A lagi...minggu depan C..makan tu omdo! Dan semakin kesini, kepercayaan gue pun semakin meluruh dalam jumlah yang semakin besar. Mirip2 kayak snowball effect...yyuuukkk. Ini kan kayak lo dikasih sayap "nih pake deh sayapnya buat terbang.." terus pas lo terbang tiba2 lo di lempar pake lembing trus sayap lo robek, pelan2 lo jatoh nyusruk kayak pesawat2 maskapai lokal yang maintenance-nya ga beres..kadang lo nemuin bangke-nya (baca: jati diri), kadang nggak. Kan mending ga usah dikasi sayap...mending biar butut, gue pake sayap bikinan gue sendiri. Kapasitasnya gue tau ampe mana.
Terus hubungan ama orangtua gue juga jadi nggak bener. Gue jadi semi bekstrit padahal ya aolliiii tadinya bener2 baek2 aja. Gara2 si comel satu itu aja kebanyakan tingkah kayak tessi srimulat makanya jadi pada ga percaya. Ya emang siii ni laki bukan dari bebet bibit bobot sempurna. Track recordnya juga ga bagus2 amat. Tapi gue selalu berpendapat orang itu ga mungkin 100% baik atau 100% ngaco. Pasti ada sisi lainnya. Nah, gue dan dia ini lagi berusaha membenahi diri. Dia juga tau dia nggak baik dan minder bareng gue. Mungkin emang dari sananya gue kerjaannya jadi mekanik, engineer deh biar keren. Ngelurusin idup orang, abis itu capcus kaga bareng gue *embeerrrr...ngehek banget*. Kalo gue ama sahabat gue bilangnya "bolak balik ngerubah bahan mentah jadi barang jadi yang bagus, abis itu diambil orang...alias bukan kita yang nikmatin hasta karyanya". Ngenesin sih...tapi ya gitu deh. Intinya, gue ga suka aja ama suasana rumah yang jadi jelek, dan asli gue tu sebelom kjadian laknat ini deket banget ama nyokap. Makanya gue kesiksa banget dengan kondisi yang ngehek banget kampret setan kayak gini (heeee...mulai sumpah serapah-nya kumat). Untung setelah gue ngobrol hati ke hati (bookk inget acara perjodohan jaman dulu ga sih di RCTI...judulnya Hati ke Hati...hihhihih asli cupu abis....*mulai keilangan orientasi bahasan*) dan membuka segala kebusukannya, semuanya kembali menjadi baik2 lagi kembali hampir seperti semula. Kecuali si kampret omdo itu aja yang ampe sekarang paling ga brani ngomong ama nyokap gue...hahaha bodoooo!!!!
Semua ini terjadi dalam taun yang sama, 2006. Bener2 taun apes buat gue dah tuh. Kalo bole gue kasih judul, itu taun penuh ama series of unfortunate events. Dan gue belajar banget kalo:
"kepercayaan itu sesuatu yang lo bangun perlahan2 dengan susah payah, tapi buat ngilanginnya segampang membalikkan telapak tangan"
Please do learn from my experiences. Once you've earned that trust, do your best not to lose it. Itu adalah penghargaan tertinggi seseorang atas diri lo. Once you've lost it, you will have to work at least twice harder to maybe..just maybe... earning it back... Yet things won't ever be the same. Mungkin analoginya seperti kayak luka dalem. Lukanya bisa diobatin, tapi begitu sembuh pun, bekasnya akan tinggal selamanya. Kalo pun bekasnya mau diilangin, musti operasi plastik, yang pastinya mehong abis (baca: butuh usaha lebih)...nahhh...gitu kira2 gambarannya...
Respect deserve it... :)
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Friday, 27 March 2009
barusan buka fesbuk, gue ngeliat ada yang posting trailer cin[T]a mungkin ini film baru kali yaa...hehehe duuuhh gue kok ga apdet banget...di youtube gue cari2 ga dapet trailernya. Anyway, gue touched banget...bisa jadi karna ada pengalaman pribadi..apapun itu, gue rasa isu2 macem begini emang bagus banget buat diangkat. Mungkin nantinya film ini bisa menjawab beberapa pertanyaan gue di masa lalu yang sampai sekarang gue biarkan ga terjawab...
who knows....
who knows....
yang terberat..
Thursday, 26 March 2009
kanjen pantai...
kangennnnn banget ama pantaiiii.....
kalo inget anyer....sambolo...inget sama anak2 kampus....bener2 murahan, begitu kelar ujian, langsung brangkat! blom lagi Darwin yang nekat naek bis ama angkot nyusul kita...
anyer lagi...inget mindahin wiken mode Jakarta ke anyer. On the way itu looohhh yang mantipsss se mantips mantipsnya!!! malem2, full audio, tol yang sepi, baks...ediaaaannnn!!!
kuta...inget nge birdi ama bie dan diar waktu iseng wikenan di Bali....
dreamland...inget sama anak2 kampus, seharian di dreamland, dan nyewa body board paling mahal gara2 nyelipin duit di clana dan ilang entah dimana....hanyut tuh kayaknya....
wherever that is....I miss Indonesian beaches....
kalo inget anyer....sambolo...inget sama anak2 kampus....bener2 murahan, begitu kelar ujian, langsung brangkat! blom lagi Darwin yang nekat naek bis ama angkot nyusul kita...
anyer lagi...inget mindahin wiken mode Jakarta ke anyer. On the way itu looohhh yang mantipsss se mantips mantipsnya!!! malem2, full audio, tol yang sepi, baks...ediaaaannnn!!!
kuta...inget nge birdi ama bie dan diar waktu iseng wikenan di Bali....
dreamland...inget sama anak2 kampus, seharian di dreamland, dan nyewa body board paling mahal gara2 nyelipin duit di clana dan ilang entah dimana....hanyut tuh kayaknya....
wherever that is....I miss Indonesian beaches....
Monday, 23 March 2009
pertemuan pertama
ama siapa? ama spv gue laaaahhh.....heheheheh
sejak awal gue dikasih tau siapa spv gue, gue berusaha buat mencari tau siapa dia dan seperti apakah dia. which is gue gabisa nemuin namanya di website kampus. Jadi hari ini, pagi2 gue ke kampus tanpa tau sosok seperti apa yang bakal gue temuin. Kalo pembimbing skripsi gue dulu kan orangnya santai banget yaa, even dalam nanggepin topik yang gue ajuin. Jadi, dengan berpatokan kesitu, gue nggak berharap banyak.
Perlahan tapi pasti, gue memasuki ruangannya. Ngobrol2 sebentar tentang gue, dan apa yang gue lakuin. Gue mulai ngerasa nyaman. Dia memang bukan lah seorang profesor, dia staff pengajar. Tapi gue seneng sama cara dia ngehargain gue dan ide gue. Dia sangat antusias ngedengerin topik gue, bahkan dia ngasih beberapa ide semakin gue cerita tentang topik gue itu. Yang seru lagi, dia menggambarkan project disertasi ini sebagai jembatan dari kuliah gue ke karir gue nanti. She even gave me ideas how to be known in the society. Keren ya? secara ini bener2 jauh melebihi ekspektasi gue. Ternyata ga hanya gue, tapi dia juga pengen supaya riset ini spektakuler. Berarti, kita punya tujuan yang sama, dan itu bagus banget!
Gue nggak nyangka aja ide gue ditanggepin serius dan se antusias ini. Asli gue seneng banget..dan sekarang, jalan ke depan nggak akan gampang. Gue harus berjuang, push it a li'l bit further to get the best out of it. Semoga riset gue nanti bisa bermanfaat buat bangsa dan negara. Tanpa niat untuk menyalah beberapa pihak terkait, tapi disini gue cuman pengen dunia tau bahwa 'pasar' ini memang ada, sebagai salah satu dampak globalisasi. Penasaran ga? emang sengaja...hihihihihi...
Doakan sukses selalu ya...amiinnn
btw, hari ini gue sakit :( tadinya gue cuek aja, tapi ternyata gue pake pusing...ini aja nge blog dari tempat tidur. huhuh sakit perdana gue di negeri orang nih...padahal daritadi uda m'sugestikan kalo gue baek2 aja. ternyata gabisa juga...yaaa sabar aja kali ya..makan ama istirahat yang bener...huhuhu
sejak awal gue dikasih tau siapa spv gue, gue berusaha buat mencari tau siapa dia dan seperti apakah dia. which is gue gabisa nemuin namanya di website kampus. Jadi hari ini, pagi2 gue ke kampus tanpa tau sosok seperti apa yang bakal gue temuin. Kalo pembimbing skripsi gue dulu kan orangnya santai banget yaa, even dalam nanggepin topik yang gue ajuin. Jadi, dengan berpatokan kesitu, gue nggak berharap banyak.
Perlahan tapi pasti, gue memasuki ruangannya. Ngobrol2 sebentar tentang gue, dan apa yang gue lakuin. Gue mulai ngerasa nyaman. Dia memang bukan lah seorang profesor, dia staff pengajar. Tapi gue seneng sama cara dia ngehargain gue dan ide gue. Dia sangat antusias ngedengerin topik gue, bahkan dia ngasih beberapa ide semakin gue cerita tentang topik gue itu. Yang seru lagi, dia menggambarkan project disertasi ini sebagai jembatan dari kuliah gue ke karir gue nanti. She even gave me ideas how to be known in the society. Keren ya? secara ini bener2 jauh melebihi ekspektasi gue. Ternyata ga hanya gue, tapi dia juga pengen supaya riset ini spektakuler. Berarti, kita punya tujuan yang sama, dan itu bagus banget!
Gue nggak nyangka aja ide gue ditanggepin serius dan se antusias ini. Asli gue seneng banget..dan sekarang, jalan ke depan nggak akan gampang. Gue harus berjuang, push it a li'l bit further to get the best out of it. Semoga riset gue nanti bisa bermanfaat buat bangsa dan negara. Tanpa niat untuk menyalah beberapa pihak terkait, tapi disini gue cuman pengen dunia tau bahwa 'pasar' ini memang ada, sebagai salah satu dampak globalisasi. Penasaran ga? emang sengaja...hihihihihi...
Doakan sukses selalu ya...amiinnn
btw, hari ini gue sakit :( tadinya gue cuek aja, tapi ternyata gue pake pusing...ini aja nge blog dari tempat tidur. huhuh sakit perdana gue di negeri orang nih...padahal daritadi uda m'sugestikan kalo gue baek2 aja. ternyata gabisa juga...yaaa sabar aja kali ya..makan ama istirahat yang bener...huhuhu
Sunday, 22 March 2009
cerita ayam.
I was having my lundch (lunch+dinner) yesterday on the staff room when the new girl asked me what am I having for lundch. I said Chickens and chips. I eat two pieces of chikens here, one seems not enough...hehehehhe. Then she suddenly eat my chips, and dip it on my dip. I don't mean to be rude but hey girl, you gotta learn how to behave, seems like you've lost your manner! then I eat what I have while she's talking and asking me about this and that thing she didn't know yet. She had twister for her lundch. I'm still enjoying every part of the chicken ribs. bone..I think it's the way I eat that sometimes makes people thinks its delicious. Suddenly, she looked at me and asked "do you have another chicken? I want a chicken but I can't go back there again to take another meal". It was weird..Surely nodded and gave her my other chicken...but My God!!!!! what am I, a chicken bank? you should've thought about what you're going to have for your break instead of asking someone to give what they had!! Actually, it's not the missing piece of chicken that matters, it's just her manner. She really lost it somewhere!
Saturday, 21 March 2009
when tying the knot...
it's that I'm about to get married (although yesss I'd love too when I found that 'click' half part of mine)...
I dunno why, suddenly this evening I browse unintentionally to
Before I realized it, I already spent like 4 hours checkin on beautiful things..
Now, it's's fault that I imagine these beeeeeeeeautiful things for my wedding which year (hehehehhe what my friend nunun said it as LOA: Law Of Attraction)...
So, where shall I begin??...God I have so many things on my head...I must take a deep breath first..
foto pre wed.
gue blom nemu yang sesuai ama hati nurani sih...soalnya hampir di semua situs aga2 lebay, atau idenya udah pasaran. Kayak misalnya, pake kebayaan tapi tengah hutan?? d'ough, sapa juga yang mau kebayaan di tengah hutan..Lokasi kota tua??... huhuh udah banyak banget yang pake ide ini atau menonjolkan cium2an....please deh, nggak banget buat ngumbar2 bgituan.
Gue pengennya tar foto pre wed gue seru2an gitu. Kali yang ngegambarin kegemaran gue dan pasangan gue, secara, semua orang pasti punya hobi doong...fotonya ada yang ga berduaan gpp, kan ga semua fotonya juga isinya berdua2an. Tapi konsepnya dibuat selaras. Heheh pe er deh tuh buat fotografernya...Misalnya, kayak gue maen roller blade...berkesan banget tuh buat gue, soalnya selaen sepatu roda (ha! mungkin ini lebi lucu!..) ini sukses bikin kulit gue lecet2 dan berdarah2 yang untungnya bekasnya ilang sekarang, aktivitas ini juga yang bertanggung jawab ngebikin kulit gue gosong ampe sekarang...hahahhaha. Terus, misalnya lagi, gue dan pasangan makan makanan pake kayak sinetron dengan mekap tebel (well..biar ga minyakan aja kali yaa, tipis2 gitu bole laa..), natural seadanya, selayaknya orang normal makan. Gitu deee...kebayang kan idenya?...Naturally us. Nanti kalo pada ngeliat, pengennya bisa pada bilang " ya olliiiii lo bedua banget deeeehhh..." hehehehehhe...
konsep undangan harus nyambung ama kawinan. Tadi gue liat ada beberapa yang unik. Atau nggak, undangan itu menggambarkan gue dan pasangan banget gitu. Misalnya, tadi ada yang unik, undangannya kertas pake daun pisang trus digulung gitu. Tapii, gue gatau deh, emang daun pisang tahan brapa lama biar ga busuk ya?.. atau, misalnya pake bahan, secara gue bolak balik di industri fashion...sablonan di bahan jeans. Anyway, gue agak tenang buat urusan ini karna gue punya temen yang kerjaannya nge-design :D at least bisa lah yaaa...gue memberdayakan dia...heheheh...
Nah, kebaya ini aga sulit, soalnya tergantung konsep. Secara gue cewek, most likely bakal pake adat Jawa, tapi gue nggak menolak ada sentuhan2 adat pasangan gue (kalo dia beda adat ama gue). Lace, kerlap kerlip...siapa siy yang nggak mau?..Tapi secara garis besarnya, kebaya gue gue ga rame dengan atribut ina ini itu, seperti bros di blakang segede gaban (secara ga bakal ada yang liat juga kan yaaa...). Kebaya itu harus anggun, cantik (seperti selayaknya kebaya), tapi juga menggambarkan kepribadian gue unik, ga ribet, dan yang pastinya sedep diliat..Hmm...kayaknya bakal mahal niy...harus pinter2 cari cs-an tukang jait!...hehehehhe
walau modelnya mungkin ga bgini2 amat, tapi mungkin ga ya dia yang bikin?
Packaging serah2an gue gamau yang rame. gue maunya simple, tapi cantik. Sedikit pita atau bunga boleh, tapi nggak mendadak ada dimana2 ramenya ngalahin keseru-an dari isinya. Secara, gue pengen isinya perfecto...bener2 yang gue pengen...hehehehhe
ini sih ga masalah, soalnya banyak pilihan. mengenai macemnya, gue ga pengen kehebohan, pokoknya syaratnya cuman satu. Makanan di kawinan gue wajib buat enak!
venue. it is...dari sekian tempat, yang paling mendekati bayangan gue adalah Anantara Resort - Bali. Boookkkk musti diliat deh foto2nya, cari tuh di google picture...CIAMIK! you know, gue pengen outdoor, kalo bisa di pantai, secara gue suka banget ama pantai. Terus, jalan menuju plaminannya, big no no pake karpet. gue pengen pake kelopak kembang...huhuh so sweet banget ga siiiiiiyyyy.... foot path nya ga usah jauh2, tapi taburan kelopak kembang. Undangannya ga perlu ribuan yaa...secara gue juga bukan anak pejabat atau pengusaha yang tajir melintir. Secara acaranya adalah tentang memulai hidup baru dengan seseorang yang gue sayang, gue pengen dipenuhi oleh aura kasih sayang itu. Jadi, yang hadir tentunya orang2 yang bener2 kenal ama gue, dan teman keluarga yang gue juga kenal. Jadi, lupakanlah buat ngundang orang2 yang gue kenalnya gitu2 aja, palagi relasi2 bokap nyokap yang gue cuma denger nama doang... Yup, it will be a medium but intimate wedding ceremony-party.
who could resist such a beautiful place?..
Hmm...apalagi yaa...
Ego gue nggak sebesar itu buat ngasih suvenir gelas yang ada gambar perjalanan cinta gue. Bok, it's my story, ga bakal segitu pada pedulinya juga kali buat terpampang di gelas. Gue prefer souvenir nya barang2 yang berguna buat keseharian. Kalo dari yang tadi gue browsing, ada yang lucu...sendok takaran, tapi ada grafirnya gitu....recipe of love :) lucu yaaaaaaaa....atau bukaan botol dengan bentuk cewek cowok, atau tempat lada&garem yang unik..yang dua figur berbeda tapi saling melengkapi... Dan nama gue+pasangan ga perlu ada segede gaban ampe semua bisa liat dari jauh kalo itu souvenir kawinan gue. Cukup kecil dengan font sederhana di bagian yang nggak mudah terlihat. Classy....hihihih far itu dulu kali yaa....
Itu aja udah sukses bikin gue ngayal 4 jam, kalo iterusin, bisa panjang nih....hueheheheheh...
it's that I'm about to get married (although yesss I'd love too when I found that 'click' half part of mine)...
I dunno why, suddenly this evening I browse unintentionally to
Before I realized it, I already spent like 4 hours checkin on beautiful things..
Now, it's's fault that I imagine these beeeeeeeeautiful things for my wedding which year (hehehehhe what my friend nunun said it as LOA: Law Of Attraction)...
So, where shall I begin??...God I have so many things on my head...I must take a deep breath first..
foto pre wed.
gue blom nemu yang sesuai ama hati nurani sih...soalnya hampir di semua situs aga2 lebay, atau idenya udah pasaran. Kayak misalnya, pake kebayaan tapi tengah hutan?? d'ough, sapa juga yang mau kebayaan di tengah hutan..Lokasi kota tua??... huhuh udah banyak banget yang pake ide ini atau menonjolkan cium2an....please deh, nggak banget buat ngumbar2 bgituan.
Gue pengennya tar foto pre wed gue seru2an gitu. Kali yang ngegambarin kegemaran gue dan pasangan gue, secara, semua orang pasti punya hobi doong...fotonya ada yang ga berduaan gpp, kan ga semua fotonya juga isinya berdua2an. Tapi konsepnya dibuat selaras. Heheh pe er deh tuh buat fotografernya...Misalnya, kayak gue maen roller blade...berkesan banget tuh buat gue, soalnya selaen sepatu roda (ha! mungkin ini lebi lucu!..) ini sukses bikin kulit gue lecet2 dan berdarah2 yang untungnya bekasnya ilang sekarang, aktivitas ini juga yang bertanggung jawab ngebikin kulit gue gosong ampe sekarang...hahahhaha. Terus, misalnya lagi, gue dan pasangan makan makanan pake kayak sinetron dengan mekap tebel (well..biar ga minyakan aja kali yaa, tipis2 gitu bole laa..), natural seadanya, selayaknya orang normal makan. Gitu deee...kebayang kan idenya?...Naturally us. Nanti kalo pada ngeliat, pengennya bisa pada bilang " ya olliiiii lo bedua banget deeeehhh..." hehehehehhe...
konsep undangan harus nyambung ama kawinan. Tadi gue liat ada beberapa yang unik. Atau nggak, undangan itu menggambarkan gue dan pasangan banget gitu. Misalnya, tadi ada yang unik, undangannya kertas pake daun pisang trus digulung gitu. Tapii, gue gatau deh, emang daun pisang tahan brapa lama biar ga busuk ya?.. atau, misalnya pake bahan, secara gue bolak balik di industri fashion...sablonan di bahan jeans. Anyway, gue agak tenang buat urusan ini karna gue punya temen yang kerjaannya nge-design :D at least bisa lah yaaa...gue memberdayakan dia...heheheh...
Nah, kebaya ini aga sulit, soalnya tergantung konsep. Secara gue cewek, most likely bakal pake adat Jawa, tapi gue nggak menolak ada sentuhan2 adat pasangan gue (kalo dia beda adat ama gue). Lace, kerlap kerlip...siapa siy yang nggak mau?..Tapi secara garis besarnya, kebaya gue gue ga rame dengan atribut ina ini itu, seperti bros di blakang segede gaban (secara ga bakal ada yang liat juga kan yaaa...). Kebaya itu harus anggun, cantik (seperti selayaknya kebaya), tapi juga menggambarkan kepribadian gue unik, ga ribet, dan yang pastinya sedep diliat..Hmm...kayaknya bakal mahal niy...harus pinter2 cari cs-an tukang jait!...hehehehhe
walau modelnya mungkin ga bgini2 amat, tapi mungkin ga ya dia yang bikin?
Packaging serah2an gue gamau yang rame. gue maunya simple, tapi cantik. Sedikit pita atau bunga boleh, tapi nggak mendadak ada dimana2 ramenya ngalahin keseru-an dari isinya. Secara, gue pengen isinya perfecto...bener2 yang gue pengen...hehehehhe
ini sih ga masalah, soalnya banyak pilihan. mengenai macemnya, gue ga pengen kehebohan, pokoknya syaratnya cuman satu. Makanan di kawinan gue wajib buat enak!
venue. it is...dari sekian tempat, yang paling mendekati bayangan gue adalah Anantara Resort - Bali. Boookkkk musti diliat deh foto2nya, cari tuh di google picture...CIAMIK! you know, gue pengen outdoor, kalo bisa di pantai, secara gue suka banget ama pantai. Terus, jalan menuju plaminannya, big no no pake karpet. gue pengen pake kelopak kembang...huhuh so sweet banget ga siiiiiiyyyy.... foot path nya ga usah jauh2, tapi taburan kelopak kembang. Undangannya ga perlu ribuan yaa...secara gue juga bukan anak pejabat atau pengusaha yang tajir melintir. Secara acaranya adalah tentang memulai hidup baru dengan seseorang yang gue sayang, gue pengen dipenuhi oleh aura kasih sayang itu. Jadi, yang hadir tentunya orang2 yang bener2 kenal ama gue, dan teman keluarga yang gue juga kenal. Jadi, lupakanlah buat ngundang orang2 yang gue kenalnya gitu2 aja, palagi relasi2 bokap nyokap yang gue cuma denger nama doang... Yup, it will be a medium but intimate wedding ceremony-party.
who could resist such a beautiful place?..
Hmm...apalagi yaa...
Ego gue nggak sebesar itu buat ngasih suvenir gelas yang ada gambar perjalanan cinta gue. Bok, it's my story, ga bakal segitu pada pedulinya juga kali buat terpampang di gelas. Gue prefer souvenir nya barang2 yang berguna buat keseharian. Kalo dari yang tadi gue browsing, ada yang lucu...sendok takaran, tapi ada grafirnya gitu....recipe of love :) lucu yaaaaaaaa....atau bukaan botol dengan bentuk cewek cowok, atau tempat lada&garem yang unik..yang dua figur berbeda tapi saling melengkapi... Dan nama gue+pasangan ga perlu ada segede gaban ampe semua bisa liat dari jauh kalo itu souvenir kawinan gue. Cukup kecil dengan font sederhana di bagian yang nggak mudah terlihat. Classy....hihihih far itu dulu kali yaa....
Itu aja udah sukses bikin gue ngayal 4 jam, kalo iterusin, bisa panjang nih....hueheheheheh...
Monday, 16 March 2009
bunyi sms dari hp nomer jakarta
"Alhamdulillah, lulus 4. Yang lain moga2 pass juga ya Ay, amiin. Wuaah everybody home is happy 4 you. Congratulation Ay, and thank you for making me proud of you. Love you"
dari bua...
love you too bua....
you're the best mum in the world :)
bunyi sms dari hp nomer jakarta
"Alhamdulillah, lulus 4. Yang lain moga2 pass juga ya Ay, amiin. Wuaah everybody home is happy 4 you. Congratulation Ay, and thank you for making me proud of you. Love you"
dari bua...
love you too bua....
you're the best mum in the world :)
Friday, 13 March 2009
akhirnyaaaaa tugas gw kelar 1..masi ada 7 lg sih..but it's a start :p pusing jg siy gw ngeliat list tugas2 gw yg ternyata sbelas dua blas (beda tipis) ama stripping sinetron indonesia. Yaa seperti kata dosen gw, sbnrnya yg susah itu mulainya. Gw wkt itu dsuru meninggalkan bacaan2 gw,trus jalan2 ampe gw bisa mulai nulis sekalimat dua kalimat. Tapu emang iya loh, kl udah penat ni kpala, gw suka jalan2 dulu sambil cari ide, and it usually works! Sayangnya, agak costly, soalnya gw pasti pulang bawa tentengan :( hihihihi but anyway, I've started..- just have to go on till it's all done..wish me luck!
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
my marks
my marks are released....
I'm soooo glad that it's all good....
hihihihih at least it's on my expectations...
I'm soooo glad that it's all good....
hihihihih at least it's on my expectations...
items of next week...or so..
tadi pas jalan2 ke toko kartu, gue naksir sama sebuah item...
tas leptop...tapi lucu banget....bukan tas beneran selayaknya tas leptop serius yang penuh busa di sana sini..ini sleek banget, dan kayak kidstone gitu bahannya, yang ada plastik2nya. Lucu banget ga siiiiyyy....huhuhuhuh. Motifnya lebih dinamis, dan seru..kayak garis2 warna warni, terus pentagonal warna warni...atau motif2 lain2nya.. Secara ya, gue susah nemu tas leptop yang lucu. Yang ada di toko buku tu seris2 amat..gue kan ga se serius itu. Mana ukurannya kayaknya cucok pulak...duuhh gue kpikiran lagi suka deh...damn!!....
Nabung jajan dulu biar bisa beli tas leptop....
tas leptop...tapi lucu banget....bukan tas beneran selayaknya tas leptop serius yang penuh busa di sana sini..ini sleek banget, dan kayak kidstone gitu bahannya, yang ada plastik2nya. Lucu banget ga siiiiyyy....huhuhuhuh. Motifnya lebih dinamis, dan seru..kayak garis2 warna warni, terus pentagonal warna warni...atau motif2 lain2nya.. Secara ya, gue susah nemu tas leptop yang lucu. Yang ada di toko buku tu seris2 amat..gue kan ga se serius itu. Mana ukurannya kayaknya cucok pulak...duuhh gue kpikiran lagi suka deh...damn!!....
Nabung jajan dulu biar bisa beli tas leptop....
Monday, 9 March 2009
Jaket baru..
Aku punya jaket baruuu.... :D :D :D :D
tadi siang gue jalan2, liat2 kesana kemari gitu lah as always kan yaa...
terus gue ceritanya dari kmaren lagi pengen banget punya rompi yang bikin anget ituhh...
gue kan ciyik kalo liat orang2 pada pake rompi itu warna warni dan ga kedinginan...
trus tadi pas lagi jalan, isneg2 gue masuk ke millets..
ini toko equipment outdoor gitu...cakep2 dahh isinya...
eeehh pas lagi liat2, gataunya ada jakeeettt!!!!
persis seperti yang gue pengen....
menggantung pulak dia di bagian diskon
(tau lah mata pasti ijo kalo udah liat tulisan diskon ini)
ga pake ba bi bu lagi, langsung cek price tag...
harganya, dari £26 turun jadi £7.5..
-ya iyalah ya, secara musimnya udah mau abis juga-
hueeeeeeee yang brenang niiiiiyyy?!?!?!??!?!
antara kaget dan seneng tapi banyakan senengnya gitu deh
udah gitu, pas dideketin, ternyata, lengannya bisa dilepas lewat ketek!!!!
keren banget kan niihhh...bsa jadi jaket, bisa jadi ropi!! cakeeppp!!!!!
dari ukuran, kayaknya cocok...gataunya, itu ukuran anak2 umur 11-12 taun....
tapi gue cuek ajah, tetep gue coba....dan pas ;p
ihihihihih aku senaaanggg!!!
langsung menuju kasir...
"bungkus mbaaakkkkkk!!!" hahahhahaha.....
tadi siang gue jalan2, liat2 kesana kemari gitu lah as always kan yaa...
terus gue ceritanya dari kmaren lagi pengen banget punya rompi yang bikin anget ituhh...
gue kan ciyik kalo liat orang2 pada pake rompi itu warna warni dan ga kedinginan...
trus tadi pas lagi jalan, isneg2 gue masuk ke millets..
ini toko equipment outdoor gitu...cakep2 dahh isinya...
eeehh pas lagi liat2, gataunya ada jakeeettt!!!!
persis seperti yang gue pengen....
menggantung pulak dia di bagian diskon
(tau lah mata pasti ijo kalo udah liat tulisan diskon ini)
ga pake ba bi bu lagi, langsung cek price tag...
harganya, dari £26 turun jadi £7.5..
-ya iyalah ya, secara musimnya udah mau abis juga-
hueeeeeeee yang brenang niiiiiyyy?!?!?!??!?!
antara kaget dan seneng tapi banyakan senengnya gitu deh
udah gitu, pas dideketin, ternyata, lengannya bisa dilepas lewat ketek!!!!
keren banget kan niihhh...bsa jadi jaket, bisa jadi ropi!! cakeeppp!!!!!
dari ukuran, kayaknya cocok...gataunya, itu ukuran anak2 umur 11-12 taun....
tapi gue cuek ajah, tetep gue coba....dan pas ;p
ihihihihih aku senaaanggg!!!
langsung menuju kasir...
"bungkus mbaaakkkkkk!!!" hahahhahaha.....
ini dia jaket baru aku..bagus kan?? Lucu yaa..
Can I refund these, please?..
I just bought myself four cardigans with different colours and a jacket last weekend. Size 8 usally fits me well, so I didn't bother myself to try it on in the fitting room. Then I happily went back home and daydreaming whic one goes perfectly with which shirt,.button it all or not,'s almost spring anyway, it wouldn't be this cold right??..there I am walking down the road...hapy as can be.
Impatiently me, right after entering the flat door, I tried in on not even one fits me!! I'm amazed! Am I really that fat? I can't believe this...I have to exercise! I have to run, stretch, anything to burn down my fats..for the first time,...I have to refund my purchases. Damn!!
But it's quite lucky hee since they do protect their consumers alot. Items puchased can be refunded within 28 days. Not like in Jakarta, where every store have this *items purchased can not be returned* hell yeah, they don't wanna care the second your transaction is completed. You have to take it home, like it or not, right or wrong..the store doesn't give a damn. For the first time, I'm planning to go back to the store to change the size of my cardies. Since I'll be working on Saturday and Sunday, teh only option would be Monday.
My eyes looking straight to the bunch of cardigans to find the right size. This time, I will try it on first! One, two, three....oh no! the green one's no longer available. What should I do what should I doo?!?!?!....humph. I gues I'll just put these -exactly the same cardi w/ bigger size- in my bag, and take a short tour around the dept store to think..also to check on other stuffs. Shirts and jakckets....nothing's interesting...good....coats are still expensive and not really needed...I'll have to pass.....Tights? I couldn't find what I want...pass again...better go shoes department. Flat shoes, interesting...but I don't have the budget anyway...oooohh!!! lok at this! a ballet slippers, with split soles, foldable, and came with a small bag..I gotta have this! but not now..Sandals are cute, they're releasing the sandals with bright spring cuteee!!! It'll looks good on spring. Look at these gladiator slippers! its comfortable, thin, it bends well....and it costs me two cardigans! Hmm....put it in the bag first before someone else do it...
And there it is....customer service. The place where I should claim to change my purchased items. Think fast ay, think fast!! Okaiy, so I just exchange two cardis, and the other two is refunded, and traded into sandals! Done!...nice bargain.... Once again I'm happy...happy as can be!!...Thankfully, the counter lady was so nice for assisting me until I finally had what I want...hihihihihi
Impatiently me, right after entering the flat door, I tried in on not even one fits me!! I'm amazed! Am I really that fat? I can't believe this...I have to exercise! I have to run, stretch, anything to burn down my fats..for the first time,...I have to refund my purchases. Damn!!
But it's quite lucky hee since they do protect their consumers alot. Items puchased can be refunded within 28 days. Not like in Jakarta, where every store have this *items purchased can not be returned* hell yeah, they don't wanna care the second your transaction is completed. You have to take it home, like it or not, right or wrong..the store doesn't give a damn. For the first time, I'm planning to go back to the store to change the size of my cardies. Since I'll be working on Saturday and Sunday, teh only option would be Monday.
My eyes looking straight to the bunch of cardigans to find the right size. This time, I will try it on first! One, two, three....oh no! the green one's no longer available. What should I do what should I doo?!?!?!....humph. I gues I'll just put these -exactly the same cardi w/ bigger size- in my bag, and take a short tour around the dept store to think..also to check on other stuffs. Shirts and jakckets....nothing's interesting...good....coats are still expensive and not really needed...I'll have to pass.....Tights? I couldn't find what I want...pass again...better go shoes department. Flat shoes, interesting...but I don't have the budget anyway...oooohh!!! lok at this! a ballet slippers, with split soles, foldable, and came with a small bag..I gotta have this! but not now..Sandals are cute, they're releasing the sandals with bright spring cuteee!!! It'll looks good on spring. Look at these gladiator slippers! its comfortable, thin, it bends well....and it costs me two cardigans! Hmm....put it in the bag first before someone else do it...
And there it is....customer service. The place where I should claim to change my purchased items. Think fast ay, think fast!! Okaiy, so I just exchange two cardis, and the other two is refunded, and traded into sandals! Done!...nice bargain.... Once again I'm happy...happy as can be!!...Thankfully, the counter lady was so nice for assisting me until I finally had what I want...hihihihihi
newly traded items
tanda tanya?
apa ya passion gue?
abis ini gue mau jadi apa lagi?
kerjaan apa yang ada di depan gue?
karir apa yang bakal gue tekunin?
ke arah mana gue mau ngabisin sisa idup gue?
kerjaan apa ya yang bisa bikin gue 'tenggelam' di dalamnya se bete2nya gue?
karya apa yang akan gue hasilkan dalam hidup gue?
siapa yaa yang tau jawabannya?....
abis ini gue mau jadi apa lagi?
kerjaan apa yang ada di depan gue?
karir apa yang bakal gue tekunin?
ke arah mana gue mau ngabisin sisa idup gue?
kerjaan apa ya yang bisa bikin gue 'tenggelam' di dalamnya se bete2nya gue?
karya apa yang akan gue hasilkan dalam hidup gue?
siapa yaa yang tau jawabannya?....
Last lecture that lasts forever..
This is Randy Pausch's last lecture...
very touchy, very inspirational, with a deep seated meaning...
please...spare your time to watch this video...
very touchy, very inspirational, with a deep seated meaning...
please...spare your time to watch this video...
Sunday, 8 March 2009
percobaan perdana..
lagi ngetes...baru diajarin buat nge post youtube..hihihi kampring banget ga siy guee..
eehhh sakses eiykeee!!!! hahah senangnyaaa!!!!!
eehhh sakses eiykeee!!!! hahah senangnyaaa!!!!!
tale of three cities
I have many best friends. Two of them are those I'm about to tell here. Why them? It's because somehow..we three are having a rough time dealing with life at the similar time.
We are spread in wo continents, two countries, and three different cities. I'm in UK, and they're in Indonesia, my beloved home country. There, they were also nt in the same city, one of them are on business trip in West Java. So here's our tale..
Ary - male, 29 years old, Jakarta, ID.
"Sh*t!! it always happens to me!!"
He's a man with a very high ego. In love, he never took much time to think and review. Once he feels comfortable, he will ask the girl to be his girlfriend. Even with the one he barely knew for few weeks. The problem is, girls loved to be chased and ditched. Somehow, it makes us girls feel miserable and curious at the same time. It challanges us to conquer what a man wants. With Ary's pattern...his girl barely has these feelings.
His last relationship only lasts for a while. It was okaiy, no fightings, no arguments, but suddenly the girl just went into silence. No news, no calls, no texts,....nothing. Of course Ary felt something's wrong without really knowing what happens. Then they broke up with a very cliche reason. Since then, he learned that no matter what happens, his girl have to tell him directly when she feels something's wrong. It took him quite a while to heal himself from the wound untill he can start a new relationship.
Now, it happens again with her current girlfriend..
exit strategy : none. Everything goes just as it is.
Leny- female, 27, Bandung-Garut, ID.
"Unlimited humanity..again and again"
She is a smart and independent girl. Her love life is not always smooth. She never judge people from their appearances. She has a big heart when it comes to supporting her loved ones. She knew exactly that logic don't always synchronized with feelings when it comes to love. Her recent ex boyfriend needs her support..mentally, while she knew she's not supposed to do that since it's too risky for her heart. The recovery phase from her break up is still an on going process, and probably will need more time than what she had planned in mind. Sometimes, she finds her tears falling down for just thinking about him, and her concentration became easily distracted. She thought it's the PMS thing..but it's not. It may be exaggerated by the PMS, but it happens all the time.
This time, she risks her time and her heart..while the biological clock is ticking...tick..tock..tick..tock..
Exit strategy : Weekend escape with cousins. Distracting her thoughts into something else, something new to fulfill her curiosity for the universe.
Me - female, 27, Exeter, UK
"God, please give me the strength to move on.."
My relationship with this guy (the one that I mention alot in my pieces) has ended formally years ago. Somehow, we're still seeing eachother and tried hard (it falls apart most of the times, though..) to be just friends. I knew deep down he wasn't the one for me. But back then, I don't have the heart to leave him just like that while he was struggling with his financial and carreer problems. After he overcome all those troubles, we still tried to stay away, but we can't. When we haven't seen eachother for a while, we started to make up for silly reasons to see eachother again.
My decision to pursue higher degree is somewhat influenced by this problem. I realized that I wouldn't really over him if I didn't make radical changes. So here I am, seperated by continent, time zone, and very limited communications. I still find it hard not to think about him. He still went online to discuss a few things occasionally. But at least now we're physically very much apart, which increases the communication barriers.
A part of me is gone with him, and I'm struggling to fill the missing pieces here..
Exit strategy : New life in a new town, courseworks.
Last year, we can still be together on these times. Sometimes we call eachother at midnight to talk about our problems, or even went into eachother's place to discuss things out, sometimes just to cry or burst into tears (damn, I missed those moments!). Time flies, our job took more time than it used to, we planned oour future with our own ways. Luckily, thanks to the technology..we are still able to share our problems online. I have no idea what will happens if there's no internet. I'm alone on the other part f the world struggling with my'll be like hell...
Although we're miles away, technology makes us close to eachother. Sometimes when I'm sad, writing email became the best medicine. I instantly feel better. The next day, when I saw their mails...I feel much much better. Look how words can be such a magical power :) The only problem is timezone...but that's fine. My insomnia managed to have a midnight small talks (or morning small talks to them) that'll make me smile...
Have you ever felt the joy of laughing on your own mistakes of life?
It might sounds silly, but the laughing made it easier to bare...
And these guys...they're those I can share my deepest joy and pain with...
They might be bored to hear me saying "I'm just an email away"..
Whatever you problem, wherever you are, whenever it is...never stop sending email.
To the world, you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world...
We are spread in wo continents, two countries, and three different cities. I'm in UK, and they're in Indonesia, my beloved home country. There, they were also nt in the same city, one of them are on business trip in West Java. So here's our tale..
Ary - male, 29 years old, Jakarta, ID.
"Sh*t!! it always happens to me!!"
He's a man with a very high ego. In love, he never took much time to think and review. Once he feels comfortable, he will ask the girl to be his girlfriend. Even with the one he barely knew for few weeks. The problem is, girls loved to be chased and ditched. Somehow, it makes us girls feel miserable and curious at the same time. It challanges us to conquer what a man wants. With Ary's pattern...his girl barely has these feelings.
His last relationship only lasts for a while. It was okaiy, no fightings, no arguments, but suddenly the girl just went into silence. No news, no calls, no texts,....nothing. Of course Ary felt something's wrong without really knowing what happens. Then they broke up with a very cliche reason. Since then, he learned that no matter what happens, his girl have to tell him directly when she feels something's wrong. It took him quite a while to heal himself from the wound untill he can start a new relationship.
Now, it happens again with her current girlfriend..
exit strategy : none. Everything goes just as it is.
Leny- female, 27, Bandung-Garut, ID.
"Unlimited humanity..again and again"
She is a smart and independent girl. Her love life is not always smooth. She never judge people from their appearances. She has a big heart when it comes to supporting her loved ones. She knew exactly that logic don't always synchronized with feelings when it comes to love. Her recent ex boyfriend needs her support..mentally, while she knew she's not supposed to do that since it's too risky for her heart. The recovery phase from her break up is still an on going process, and probably will need more time than what she had planned in mind. Sometimes, she finds her tears falling down for just thinking about him, and her concentration became easily distracted. She thought it's the PMS thing..but it's not. It may be exaggerated by the PMS, but it happens all the time.
This time, she risks her time and her heart..while the biological clock is ticking...tick..tock..tick..tock..
Exit strategy : Weekend escape with cousins. Distracting her thoughts into something else, something new to fulfill her curiosity for the universe.
Me - female, 27, Exeter, UK
"God, please give me the strength to move on.."
My relationship with this guy (the one that I mention alot in my pieces) has ended formally years ago. Somehow, we're still seeing eachother and tried hard (it falls apart most of the times, though..) to be just friends. I knew deep down he wasn't the one for me. But back then, I don't have the heart to leave him just like that while he was struggling with his financial and carreer problems. After he overcome all those troubles, we still tried to stay away, but we can't. When we haven't seen eachother for a while, we started to make up for silly reasons to see eachother again.
My decision to pursue higher degree is somewhat influenced by this problem. I realized that I wouldn't really over him if I didn't make radical changes. So here I am, seperated by continent, time zone, and very limited communications. I still find it hard not to think about him. He still went online to discuss a few things occasionally. But at least now we're physically very much apart, which increases the communication barriers.
A part of me is gone with him, and I'm struggling to fill the missing pieces here..
Exit strategy : New life in a new town, courseworks.
Last year, we can still be together on these times. Sometimes we call eachother at midnight to talk about our problems, or even went into eachother's place to discuss things out, sometimes just to cry or burst into tears (damn, I missed those moments!). Time flies, our job took more time than it used to, we planned oour future with our own ways. Luckily, thanks to the technology..we are still able to share our problems online. I have no idea what will happens if there's no internet. I'm alone on the other part f the world struggling with my'll be like hell...
Although we're miles away, technology makes us close to eachother. Sometimes when I'm sad, writing email became the best medicine. I instantly feel better. The next day, when I saw their mails...I feel much much better. Look how words can be such a magical power :) The only problem is timezone...but that's fine. My insomnia managed to have a midnight small talks (or morning small talks to them) that'll make me smile...
Have you ever felt the joy of laughing on your own mistakes of life?
It might sounds silly, but the laughing made it easier to bare...
And these guys...they're those I can share my deepest joy and pain with...
They might be bored to hear me saying "I'm just an email away"..
Whatever you problem, wherever you are, whenever it is...never stop sending email.
To the world, you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world...
Sunday, 1 March 2009
hmm lagi2 tadi pulang kerja kecapean, lgs tidur abis selese mandi...jadi kebangun deh di pagi2 buta bgini...
sambil nungguin film Dexter loading, gue memperhatikan sekeliling kamar...menikmati kesunyian dan kesendirian. I must admit, I kinda enjoy this quality time with myself. I just realized that I've learned much from this all by yourself living thing. Managing household supplies is one of it. I noticed that I have one shelf just for these supplies. Tissues, tooth brushes, shampoos, body lotions, kitchen towels...etc. My mum taught me well on these stuffs. She planted all these lessons in me, how to record household needs, prepare everything before it ran out, and works. I did exactly like her.
Every week, I checked on my supplies. From kitchen (and fridge) personal needs. Then I calculate, is it urgently needed, or it could last for at least more than another week. If it does, I'll put it on the next week's list. My mum said, never ever go shopping when you're hungry and always have a list. There's a high possibility to be an impulsive buyer when you shop with empty stomach. Everything will look so tempting, and you just put it in your grocery basket. You'll be amazed when you're back home, after eating something, and realized how much you don't really need those things. I still did it sometimes though..hehhehehe.
Ouhhh...I just found the place to buy sawi putih! hihihihi I kinda miss that veggie. I like how it tastes. This week, my cooking skills improve. Awrite, it's because of the Indofood paste my best friend got me that helps. Using the paste alone and following the instructions staight away does not always equal with your expectations. But this thing got something to do with the hours spend. Hahahha as an old saying, practice makes perfect ;p and my best friend told me that sometimes cooking has its own tricks. I guess asking a friend who likes or knows how to cook is also considered as tricks. hahhah...For example, I was trying to cook ayam gulai with the indofood paste, but it turns out to be worse than I ever expected. too many water on cooking the chicken, and it tastes nothing close to ayam gulai. My friend then told me to add coconut milk, just a li'l bit of it. I improvise by boiling the chicken with bird eye chilly and and green onion. I'm impressed on myself..this time, it is ayam gulai. It tastes like it, it smells like it, and it looks like it!
Nothing standing on my way..including kitchenary....hahahhahaha!! Nail it!!
sambil nungguin film Dexter loading, gue memperhatikan sekeliling kamar...menikmati kesunyian dan kesendirian. I must admit, I kinda enjoy this quality time with myself. I just realized that I've learned much from this all by yourself living thing. Managing household supplies is one of it. I noticed that I have one shelf just for these supplies. Tissues, tooth brushes, shampoos, body lotions, kitchen towels...etc. My mum taught me well on these stuffs. She planted all these lessons in me, how to record household needs, prepare everything before it ran out, and works. I did exactly like her.
Every week, I checked on my supplies. From kitchen (and fridge) personal needs. Then I calculate, is it urgently needed, or it could last for at least more than another week. If it does, I'll put it on the next week's list. My mum said, never ever go shopping when you're hungry and always have a list. There's a high possibility to be an impulsive buyer when you shop with empty stomach. Everything will look so tempting, and you just put it in your grocery basket. You'll be amazed when you're back home, after eating something, and realized how much you don't really need those things. I still did it sometimes though..hehhehehe.
Ouhhh...I just found the place to buy sawi putih! hihihihi I kinda miss that veggie. I like how it tastes. This week, my cooking skills improve. Awrite, it's because of the Indofood paste my best friend got me that helps. Using the paste alone and following the instructions staight away does not always equal with your expectations. But this thing got something to do with the hours spend. Hahahha as an old saying, practice makes perfect ;p and my best friend told me that sometimes cooking has its own tricks. I guess asking a friend who likes or knows how to cook is also considered as tricks. hahhah...For example, I was trying to cook ayam gulai with the indofood paste, but it turns out to be worse than I ever expected. too many water on cooking the chicken, and it tastes nothing close to ayam gulai. My friend then told me to add coconut milk, just a li'l bit of it. I improvise by boiling the chicken with bird eye chilly and and green onion. I'm impressed on myself..this time, it is ayam gulai. It tastes like it, it smells like it, and it looks like it!
Nothing standing on my way..including kitchenary....hahahhahaha!! Nail it!!
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