Friday 18 February 2011


I don't know where to start.

Okaiy. So here we are. Clueless with what we have. I see you acknowledge that you are THAT mysterious to me. Despite how much I enjoy your company, our endless discussion, our intense untold feelings, I have no idea how long I could bear with this. My clock is ticking. I have plans. You have plans. I don't know, and not sure if it'll ever meet halfway, or someway.

I don't know how much time I have left. I do wish I could have the chance knew you better. Much better than how well I've known you so far. And fast. Yes, fast. Not in a hurry, but you know... to assure me to go for it or to turn the other way around. I do think I know how you feel, but if you never told me, then I would be assuming. Which is bad. Assumption is not supported with facts. Please tell me. Even if you think I can't handle it. None of us would know if none of us tried. We'll deal with it.

I am tired not knowing. Of having unanswered questions. This is not what I had in mind. This is not how I want it to be. I need securities, in any forms. If you can't provide that, then I am closing chapter 'you'.

You should believe that I am good being alone. Although having a company would be better, even great. I am no longer that girl who dreamed of prince charming. All I want is someone who have the same willingness to go towards the same direction. You or I might fell once in a while, but we'll figure things out eventually and rise again. Someone who'll be there for me, who I believe can be my team mate in this game of life. Love? maybe someday love will grew.

Surprised? I am not good in relationship. I often screw things. But I learned. And this time, I do hope it'll last... No more drama, no more tricks...

So dear, I am sorry to put you in such a long journey on a rough and winding road. All the best for us. Cheers..

too much.

is it too much if I said "I miss you" and everything about you...