Saturday 20 November 2010


i lost count of how many times you opened my eyes. last night you did it again. it's about making me closer to The Creator. it is so true when you said all the doubts are made up. made up by what others think of me, while it really doesn't matter. not at all. it was not an easy topic. i don't know why you came up with that topic. but point taken, you wanted me to think. to get the whole idea. give me some time to think it through. this is not something i can do and bail out.

my doubts are with others. what would others feel, what would others think, what would others do, will i be able to do the activities i've been doing? all those questions raise without me confirming the answer.

i used to think that i'll do it after i got married. now i begin to questioned the idea.
i don't know...
i don't know...
my dear Creator, please show me, please erase all the doubts...please..please...

maybe this is what is called by point of no return. please lead me, drag me, whatever...